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After Antidepressants,

a Loss of Sexuality

Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a world-renowned expert in her field working at University College London, urges the medical community to urgently reconsider how selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI medications) like sertraline are prescribed because they have an impact on the sex lives of millions of people.

Published 6/12/2023


Daily Mail

33-year-old man named Hamish shares his experiences with Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction (PSSD). In May, Hamish started taking an anti-anxiety medication and soon noticed that his sexual desire had disappeared.


Some people report that they no longer experience any sexual or romantic attraction at all, and they are left with emotional emptiness.

Posted on 8/20/2023


Irish Independent

Accounts from individuals who have suffered from PSSD often describe a combination of symptoms they've experienced, including emotional numbness, anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), and loss of sexual functioning.

Published 8/17/2023


The Telegraph

"Over the decade, I've grown accustomed to the lack of libido. I've lost my sexual desire, but also my passion for all the things in life that I used to enjoy as a young man," says Simon. "Now, in my thirties, I stay at home to avoid hearing my friends talk about marriage and babies. I see ordinary people on the street living their lives, and I can't process it; I feel like I've fallen off the evolutionary chain."

Published 6/19/2023

BBC Disclosure

Are my antidepressants worth it?

PSSD: A story of someone who has developed it (the video starts at the 5:40-minute mark). Connor still has numb genitals a year after discontinuing the use of sertraline.


Psychiatrist David Healy is also interviewed.

Posted on 8/9/2023


The Mail

Professor Joanna Moncrieff, a world-renowned expert in her field working at University College London, urges the medical community to urgently reconsider how selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI medications) like sertraline are prescribed because they have an impact on the sex lives of millions of people.

Published 6/12/2023

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